Create an animated line chart
curve = "curveLinear",
duration = 5000,
stroke = "crimson",
strokeWidth = 1.5,
xticks = NULL,
yticks = NULL,
xtitle = NULL,
xtitleFontSize = 16,
ytitle = NULL,
ytitleFontSize = 16,
title = NULL,
titleFontSize = 22,
font = "Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif",
bgcol = "#CAD0D3",
opacity = 1,
axisCol = "black",
width = NULL,
height = NULL
The data frame containing the variables to consider.
The x-variable to consider. Must be a date variable in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
The y-variable to consider.
Optional. The line's curve type to render. A complete list can be found here <>. Defaults to 'curveLinear'.
The duration in Milliseconds of the animation. Defaults to 5000.
The color of the line. Defaults to 'crimson'.
The width of the line. Defaults to 1.5.
Optional. the number of x-axis ticks to consider.
Optional. The number of y-axis ticks to consider.
Optional. The title of the x-axis.
The font size of the x-axis title. Defaults to 16.
Optional. The title of the y-axis.
The font size of the y-axis title. Defaults to 16.
Optional. The title of the plot.
The font size of the plot title. Defaults to 22.
The font family to consider for the titles. Defaults to "Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif".
The background color of the SVG. Defaults to "#CAD0D3" HEX color.
The color opacity of the bars (from 0 to 1). Defaults to 1.
the color of the x and y axis. It includes the ticks, the labels and titles. Defaults to 'black'.
Optional. The width of the SVG output.
Optional. The height of the SVG output.
An animated SVG line chart.
airpassengers <- data.frame(
passengers = as.matrix(AirPassengers),
date= zoo::as.Date(time(AirPassengers))
data = airpassengers,
x = "date",
y = "passengers",
duration = 10000 # in milliseconds (10 seconds)